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Welcome to 0_ouchthathurts' About Me!
Hey there! I hope you are having a nice day :)
This website is my commission website and I hope it has interested you to commission me! If not, that's alright, but I do appreciate you having a little look into my website!
Anyways, enough about that. This is my about me not about website page after all.
My online name is 0_ouchthathurts (or better known as '0_o?') but if you know me, or I give you permission, you can call me Syra! I am an Australian-Filipino aspiring artist who hopes to be a greatly popular artist after I am done with school. Doing these commissions not only helps me gain money in doing something I enjoy, but also helps me improve my artistic abilities as well as gain a better understanding of the world of business and jobs. So seriously, any support given is greatly appreciated!! Thank you once again for checking out my website!
Reference Sheet of my 2024 Persona :D
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